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Full Name *
Phone Number Day * Evening
Billing Address *
Shipping Address * Same as billing address.
Email Address for receipt of payment *
Email Address for artwork approval *
ORDER TYPE (Choose One) * Standard Order (Artwork Only for approval) Artwork / Sample Coin (adds 30 days to order timeline) Rush Order (includes $100 RUSH fee plus shipping charges)
Quantity of Coins *
Metal Type Bronze Gold Shiny Silver Antique Silver Black Nickel Combination
Color No Color 1 Side Color (5 colors or less) 2 Sides Color (5 colors or less)
Coin Size 1.56" 1.75" 2" Special Shape
Edging Standard Rope Twist Diamond Cut Flat Diamond Cut Reeded
Extras: Please click on the boxes below for the extra features that you would like to select for your coin design. Any features listed on your pricing estimate that are not seen below should be added in the Notes section.
Epoxy Sandblasting Numbering Laser Engraving Cut Outs Photographic Printing
Gold Plating Silver Plating Two-Tone Gold Plating Two-Tone Silver Plating
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